I didn't get to go around to test the Flip Video Action Mount and the Garmin 305 Edge yesterday afternoon because of the bad weather, so I woke up early today to try it out.
With my Flip Video Ultra, the Flip Video Action Mount isn't stable. This is probably because they used velcro straps to secure it on the handlebar. It's something that I'd consider to take with me on a road trip but would make me think twice in bringing to my usual trail riding. The quality of the video is too shaky - it maybe good for a Blair Witch Project-type movie but not if you want to view your ride on your widescreen TV with your friends. I think this can be addressed by switching from a handlebar mount to a helmet mount.

Good to see somebody who loves biking and photography. I am likewise a gadget freak and have been using Polar as HRM. I like the the Flip camera but as you said the shaky clips are truly dizzying ;) and I don't think putting it on your helmet will do any better -- you will just have a higher point of view ;). I have been looking for a video cam bike mount that has a glidecam functionality (to stabilize the shot). I will let you know if I find one. Very interesting blog.
Allow me to link your blog.
Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it. :)
I think transferring the mount to the helmet might make it less shaky. I'll try that out and post videos again. Maybe I can do a comparison. Hehehehe!
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